A-Z of the UK Student Visa
The how, why and when of the rush
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I believe ignorance is darkness and only knowledge can eradicate the darkness. I am not the average African, obsessed with keeping what he knows to himself so that he can rule over others. There is nothing we have that we were not given. So I am obsessed with letting anyone that cares know what I know. Although some people interpret it as ‘I too know’ or trying to show yourself but who cares?
More so, help and information from people (mostly non-acquaintance) are what have taken me to this point in my life. So I like to do as it has been done to me. Hence, this newsletter is for those who want some information about migrating to the UK on a student visa. Those who want to make sense of all the buzz and talk about it. It’s free info. but it is not cheap.
Enough talk. Let’s democratise this information…
Leaving the Country…
Migration is and cannot be for everyone. So (wo)man know thyself. It is not the best thing that can happen to your life. I just thought to tell you. Amidst all the pressure from friends to apply for scholarships and the like since I left school, I didn’t bulge. I didn’t feel a release in my spirit to move at that time. But when it pleased God, it happened.
“Guy lemme jare! No be you go tell me wetin I go do or where I go go. Just shut the f*ck up and tell me how to move.” Okay, sir/ma.
The first thing you must have is money (to a good extent). I can’t tell you lies. If you don’t have the financial means, you’re just window shopping. It is good anyway. To keep you prepared. So it’s like a business. Sort the capital first. If it is that easy and cheap, everyone would have left. But this information is good for you anyway.
Now the next step is to research schools. You just muttered, “What should I be looking out for?” Okay. See some of the things you should be looking out for below.
- The tuition fee of your chosen course: Know the amount for your course. There’s a list of some relatively cheap schools (by tuition fee, not my academic prowess) for international students below but always confirm from the school website.
- The tuition deposit for the school: Many schools offer a flexible payment plan. They always ask you to deposit an amount to secure your admission. For instance, for a £12,000, you may be asked to deposit between £3,000 and £5,000. This is just an example.
- Payment plan for the balance of the tuition fee: Schools’ payment plan differs. For instance, some may spread their payment in two to three instalments. Some maybe three or four.
- Course modules: Check your modules. Unless you just want to move and don’t care about what you want to study. I chose my school because it is a careers-led Uni and my course offers me the opportunity to function in any industry under the sector. Other schools modules were restricted to an aspect of the industry.
- Entry requirements: You have to check this. Some schools are hell-bent on you writing the IELTS examination. Others may just ask for a pass in English in your WASSCE. Some schools require references. Others may not. If your school wants an IELTS, go write one now. The expiration time of the examination is two years. Below is a list of some schools that doesn’t require the IELTS exam.
- Location of school: Yes. Know where the school is. The UK is made up of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. So know where you are coming to. Most schools in London, the capital of England are expensive. And the cost of living is definitely high too. Just imagine a three-bedroom apartment in Osogbo and Lekki in Lagos. And right now bills are tripling up. But it’s nothing to fear.
- Ranking of school: If you like, check your school ranking. For me, it’s not so important. I believe school is what you make out of it for yourself. But it does matter sometimes. The calibre of classmates and alumni are different. That’s why some people prefer a masters at Lagos Business School or Covenant University to any other university in Nigeria. Also, some schools have access to some opportunities than others too.
- Work availability in the region of the school: Yes. Ask if there are part-time jobs in the school you choose. Or the rate of commercial activities there. Even distance to where stuff is happening. Some schools are in remote regions where commercial activities are less. So, you might want to ask.
9. Employability after school: What’s the probability of getting a job opportunity after school? Ask. It matters.
Guy wait. Why should I even study in the Queen’s land?
- Easy admission process: As I have briefly stated, the admission process is easy and straightforward. The UK is by far the country with the easiest admission process.
- Easy visa processing: The beautiful thing with UK schools is that all the schools are in partnership with the government to help you come to study. They are always on the same page. That’s why it’s rare for an application for a student visa to be rejected (if you applied with all the necessary documents). You can’t compare a UK-bound student with another one heading to Eastern Europe or some parts of Western Europe. Even the USA. In many European countries, most times, students have an admission offer but have the country’s embassy to battle with for a visa to travel. And this could go on for months. The United Kingdom has nothing of such. UKVI probably know you’re coming before you even apply for the visa.
- Easy payment plan: I already said this.
- Scholarship and discount: There are scholarship schemes you can check for online. Just make sure you check the conditions of each. Some scholarship demands that you return to your country immediately after you finish your study. So check well. I know students who are on scholarships because they are creative people. For instance, I have two pals on their uni’s basketball team. They agreed to play on the school’s basketball team in exchange for a place to study what they want. Yeah. That happens. Just check well.
- Travel with dependants: This is why so many people are choosing the UK. You can come with all your immediate family. If you’re a student, your spouse can work full time while you study. Your children can continue their education as well.
- Freedom to work: As a student, you can officially work 20hrs/week during term time and full time during school holidays.
- Access to one of the best healthcare systems in the world: Your NHS fee that you paid during your application gives you access to all the services of the NHS (dentistry included). In fact, when you arrive you’ll probably undergo a series of medical tests like me. It’s amazing to study in a place that cares for your health.
- Post-study visa for masters and PhD: If you’re a masters student, you can stay 2 years after your study and three years if you’re a PhD student.
- Free education from 4–16 yrs: Primary to college education is free for your children.
- A movement towards a settlement: With a Skilled Worker Visa, you can settle fully after school. The country’s official website will tell you more about this and other things.
- Something for 3rd class and HND: Some schools know that poor results do not translate to poor in real life. So, they allow 3rd class or HND to apply for masters. You can always check with the school too. The worse that could happen is that you will be offered a pre-masters course. I will advise if you want masters or nothing that you can do a Post Graduate Diploma with your HND before you apply. But some schools are straight with that, they admit for masters.
- Access to the world: If not for Brexit, you’d have been able to just book a flight or take the train to anywhere in Europe. But now, you need a Schengen visa to do that. That’s not hard as well. But your student visa can take you anywhere in Europe, the US and any other country that the Nigerian passport can take you. My classmates are regular travellers to Spain, Germany, Dubai, Qatar, and the like. You can’t access the world that easily from Africa but your UK student visa will help you access anywhere you feel like travelling to. France is just a train away from the UK. You can go to Paris.
All of these benefits and more are why the UK is the number one study destination for Nigerian and other international students. The statistics are there. Only Indian students come close to the number of student visas the UK issues annually to Nigerians.
“I have a school, how do I proceed?” I will say…APPLY!
If you missed out on a document in the application process, the school will probably give you a conditional offer of admission and ask you to provide the missing document. If not, it will be unconditional. Also, some schools interview students. I was interviewed and trained others on how to answer the interview questions.
When you get the offer, they expect you to make the required payment within the stipulated time to get your CAS number. So what is a CAS number?
A Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) number is a unique 14 digit reference given to you by your school (that’s acting as your student visa sponsor). UK Visa and Immigration will use this number to confirm that you are a genuine student. They do this by using it to access your CAS record on their secure database.
Without a CAS number, you can not apply for your student visa.
Your CAS shows you’re one leg into the UK. Lest I forget, the moment you get an offer of admission, you must go book a date for a tuberculosis test. In case you get a further date, you can make up for the time. I advise people to walk to the office and book manually.
Guy, what’s the test for and how do I take one?
I will let the UK website answer that.
You must be tested for tuberculosis if you are coming to the UK for more than 6 months. Most travellers from African countries do this. Your test must be from a clinic approved by the UK Home Office and will need to obtain an IOM medical certificate confirming that you are free from TB. The UKVI will not accept a TB test certificate from an unapproved clinic.
The organisation also offers DNA test services to prove the child you are coming with is yours. The International Organisation for Migration (IOM) has offices in Abuja and Lagos. The Lagos office is at Ikeja GRA. As you’re reading this (2022), IOM fee is N57,800
With your IOM test results and CAS, you can proceed to apply for your visa. Ah! No, you can not without your proof of funds.
A certain amount of money showing you will be fine when you arrive is required in your account. And it must be there for 28 days. This is where many Nigerians have issues. But there’s a LEGAL way to go about this that I cannot mention in this newsletter. But the obvious way is to get the money and put it there.
With all these, you can apply for your visa, pay the NHS fee (and for your family if you’re coming together) and choose a centre for your biometric capture. Most people prefer the V.I. centre to Ikeja because it’s less crowded. But not anymore for me. I got to the V.I. centre at 6am, and still wrote my name at №65. Some people must have slept there. Lol.
To use the V.I. centre, you have to pay an additional fee. To walk in without a prior booking, you pay N42,000. To choose any of the priority services, you pay as well. Na to deh pay everywhere. Do you see why I started with money?
When you get your visa, book your flight!
The Queen will be waiting for you!
As per life in the UK, that’s another newsletter I don’t know when.
Let’s try to do the maths: School fee and deposit (say £5000) + IOM test (N58,000) + IELTS (if required, N79,000) + VI centre fee (not compulsory £55) + Visa fee (£363) + Health Surcharge (it varies. The govt website will tell you. I paid $1020) + Walk-In appointment (not compulsory N42,000) + PoFunds (£1334 x 9 for London schools and £1023 x 9 for outside London schools). Add flight and your accommodation in the UK. There you go.
I may have missed out on some information. Please, leave your questions in the comments section. Please share this with everyone and anyone, far and wide. Some people will pay from 5-figures to hear this. I once paid too. Five figures to hear what i already know about Canada immigration and education. Well, knowledge is power, innit? But Christmas came very early. So share with your friends and enemies. Leave any Qs, its important.
PS: The sequence is from my friend’s IG page, please follow her and follow me too. It is the only payment I ask for. This post is a part of my Substack articles, please subscribe HERE. It is free and you get to be the first to see the next stuff I write.