AD 2020: Lessons I picked up
2020 has been a ‘phenomenal’ year for many but kasamadupe (Let's just thank God). Lol
Here are a few of what I learned and experienced in the year.
About Life: Don’t just wait for opportunities. Prepare yourself before they arrive. There’s a way the forces of the earth bring opportunities to you when you’re already equipped for it. Start preparing for what’s before you. Eat, for the journey is far.
Work: The world is changing. Are you sure that your current work/office will still be existing in the next 20yrs? Look ahead and begin navigating now. Don't be caught unaware lest you become obsolete in the twinkling of an eye.
Love: Love is a choice. There will be other options for a man/woman. Commitment and trust is a big deal to keep moving. Don’t fight for love. If you do, you’ll keep fighting to keep it. When you’re not Erujeje, the mighty man in battle. Neither are you god of war. Let the person voluntarily give their heart to you. It flows well from there.
Network: Start building valuable connections. You’ll need it. As your valuable friends move up, you’re likely to move with them too. A poor man with 5 rich friends will soon be the 6th rich guy if he stays close enough. Don’t look down on people. Don’t ignorantly burn bridges. It's not every door you slam, we gently close some for we might still need it. Don't seek out connections with a transactional mentality. What the poor buy with money, the rich get it free from their networks. People are valuable than money, really. I hope I meet new more people this year.
Dealing with the Rich: Must every opportunity you have with rich people be an opportunity to beg? The rich don't like beggars, per see. Neither do they like liabilities. They have problems too. See how you can help them solve it. Volunteer at their events. Be concerned about them. Just do all you can to politely keep yourself in their face apart from BEGGING. Don’t collect peanut today and lose the whole cake you're supposed to get tomorrow.
Shooting Shot: Reach out to your industry role models on social media or via email. They won’t kill you. Las las, they won’t respond. And we move nah. Just construct your message well and be polite. Don’t goan start begging for money or something o. Send your CV to organisations you’ve been eyeing. E no matter if they no get vacancy. Find a problem in the industry and tell them you have the solutions. Make sure you have it sha. Mk kasala no burst.
Mentors: Get someone to be accountable to. Someone that can show you the way. Someone you can be vulnerable with. Someone you see light in their light. Be wise when choosing a mentor though.
Money: Save. Invest. Set goals. Repeat. Above all, cultivate the mentality of wealth. Learn from the ants.
Job hunting: There’s the ability to do the job. There’s a mentality for the job. It’s why many can’t/haven’t get/gotten into the organisation. Or they get in and get fired in no time. There’s a mentality towards work. Cultivate it.
Reading&Writing: Read as much as you can. It eliminates ignorance. Knowledge is the panacea to low self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy. Read what you like reading too. Read at your own pace. Practice what you read too. Read good books and well-written resource materials. Wahala for people whose babe/guy cannot hold down a reasonable or intellectual conversation. Click HERE to see my best book in 2020.
Disappointment: I started this year with a major one. Accept rejection and be proud of it. Leah was the least loved of Isreal’s wife but she had more ‘significant’ children for Israel than Rachel. They reject you no mean say they’re following you from the village. It’s just one of those things. Another door will soon be opened. Keep moving.
Skill: Skill up. My side hustle was a saving grace for me this year.
Purpose: The best thing that has happened to me since 200L. Know what you want to do with your life. Know yourself too. You’re on earth for a purpose. If you don’t, everything will look similar to you. This year I’m glad I listen to my heart’s cry some years back. Take responsibility. You can’t miss your purpose if you always take responsibility.
God: He is/was everything to me. He always comes through. Just trust him, blindly or with open eyes.
A lot to tell you but let me pause here.
PS: I’m resuming my bi-weekly newsletter in 2021. You can join the list HERE. I share my thoughts on writing, reading, communications, life hacks, and sensible cruise. Join the olorire (fortunate) team HERE
Happy New Year
See you in 2021.