Good Men in the System
The reason a system(institution) like ours in Nigeria — with all its rot and deterioration — hasn't totally crumble is because of the few 'good' people that are still in the system.
The day everything comes down to ashes is the day a 'good man' cannot be found in the system. Hence, good people are present in systems to keep it standing, no matter how dirty and bad it looks on the outside. That's why we shouldn't be generic in describing everyone in a 'boat'(social strata) based on what we can discern from afar. Examples abounds around us.
You're the salt of the world. We don't need many of your kind to preserve the crumbling system. One bag of salt is too much for one bag of rice. It's not by number. Few are enough to keep the system standing and to wash away the rot in the long run. It's why some sects cannot give up on Nigeria. BTW, you might not understand this post now. So, screenshot and read again🤤
To cut a long story short: God didn't destroy Sodom and Gomorrah because of what he found there. It was because of what he couldn't find — righteous men. Stop making noise. Some people are not sleeping for the sake of the system