I cant forget the month of FeBUHARI
There is no way Nigerians should forget this month. Not because it’s been five years of repositioning Nigeria back to its rightful place in Africa, but because my eardrums and memory keep replaying the song, chorused by well-meaning, but blindfolded Nigerians five years ago. The chants of welcome to the month of FeBUHARI; a chant coined by Bubu supporters in a bid to sell the alleged converted democrat to Nigerians, and also to signify a new dawn for Nigeria, after — according to them — “the 16 years of destruction by the PDP.” Little did Nigerians know that, in search of solutions, they were about to get stuck with something that will make them reminisce their former state in regret.
One of my friends — a militant cum stubborn, pro-Buhari supporter — who will never forget this month said (and this was after 2015 when hunger and suffering opened his eyes):
“During those times (2015), we didn’t let people sleep. We kept on showing them 1001 ways Bubu is the man for the job. With my sweet mouth, like a man eating beans cake, I drew people to my side, telling them why they must get their PVC and usher in the Nigeria of our dreams. Which fight I no fight finish? Me that I even organise open-air and town hall meetings with my neighbours, tutoring them about the newfound Messiah who will take Nigeria to the promised land.
“Chai, I was once blind but now I see. I sold the allegedly converted democrat to many, mobilising them to get their PVC and vote out the opposition. I didn’t know that the devil we know is sometimes better than the angel we just met. They said the former President was sluggish until they installed a man, who spent months forming a cabinet that’s not worth the wait.”
Before I proceed, welcome to the month of FeBUHARI — e shuu not be like I no greet you. We have no choice, it’s still FeBUHARI. Either we like it or not, Baba is still on the throne, and nothing might separate him from the throne till 2023, if not till Armageddon sef. However, looking back from 2015, how many people are still “Fe-ing Buhari”? My friend that I told you about is still apologising to those he cajoled into voting Buhari in. I suppose that his conscience isn’t letting him sleep. I’ve been wondering what he’s been apologising for.
If we begin to count the good things Bubu has given us after his election and reelection, we will not leave here for one full week. He has successfully increased everything that was handed over to him.
We used to know of only one terrorist organisation, Baba multiplied it to at least four. We don’t even know how to categorise the police and DSS because they operate gently and accordingly on Nigerians, leaving sorrows, tears and sometimes blood in their wake.
Under Baba, the opposition has received more blame for a present failure than we’ve ever seen. The price of PMS has increased too. Nigeria has become the world capital of poverty. More nations have placed stricter measures on their immigration policies against Nigeria. More Abacha loots have been received, but to be re-looted.
Baba has travelled more than any President we ever had. We’ve generated more kilowatts of energy than the last administration, sebi?. Corruption is now a thing of the past. The national assembly has become the most expensive rubber stamp in the world. Education has received more attention. Never in our history have we seen such a hardworking man, striving to clean the mess left by past administrations. I can keep going, listing out all the multiplication we’ve seen in five years.
As a point of fact, we’ve seen the promised land, and baba will take us there. Leave vision 2020 alone, we’ll achieve that before the year ends. Who says it’s not a good FeBUHARI to be alive? Sowore, Deji Adeyanju, Agba Jalingo, and co. can tell you how lucky Nigeria is to have Bubu at the helm.
Fortunately, there are at least three more FeBUHARIs to go. So, we’re stuck with this enjoyment. If you like, complain; we’ll force the food down your throats. Don’t tell me you want to alight from this Next Level bus. We must reach the last bus stop together. We all chartered this bus; we must suffer the accidents, unnecessary stops, flat tyre hitches, unruly passengers, and other nonsensical things that come with it.