Ignorance is not always bliss
How to have peace of mind
Today, I want to share something that might be of help to you in decision-making and for the purpose of clarity, I may use myself as a case study.
It is not hard to make the right decisions. It is only difficult when there’s no knowledge. It is the lack of knowledge that makes people fall into unfortunate circumstances. If after you have gotten a piece of information about a thing and still fall victim to the same thing, the fault is on you.
So before making any decision, the first thing you should look out for is not how you feel (don’t even trust your gut) but information and knowledge, about that thing. You’re only jittering about your choice because your decision isn’t leaned on any concrete knowledge. Well, sometimes it’s leaned on a piece of knowledge but a wrong one.
The only way to have and sustain your peace across every area of your life is to have certain information/knowledge about it. Ignorance is not always bliss.
If I promise to give you £100 tomorrow. With that information, you can confidently go buy stuff on credit because you’re leaning on my word. My promise has now become the fuel for your action. The lack of knowledge is the reason you’re not sure if you will marry that person you’ve been following for five years.
Knowledge/information furnishes us with confidence. You’re not better than what you know. What you don’t know is more powerful than you. You won’t believe that I am a very emotional person. Yes. That’s why I am obsessed with information. All those ‘mushy mushy’ stuff is not my thing. Before I get mushy I always want to know something. Lol.
Emotions are tricky. They’re smarter than their owners. We cannot make quality decisions based on it.
No matter the love I have for something, when I get certain information about it, I can easily let go or hold on to it. Information exposes the truth about something so we can make the right decision. Staying or running is now left to you. So the first thing you should be looking out for before making any choice is information about that stuff. It’s the only way you can have peace of mind.
You entered or exit that deal because you know something about it. You choose to marry that person because you know something about them. You borrowed to fund that project because you know something about it. Everything revolves around knowing. No matter how sweet a friendship is, the day you get a piece of anti-friendly information about that person is the day a strain will come between that bond. It is always safe to seek knowledge first before making decisions.
I know you have been told it’s okay to start in fear. But even that has some elements of information. Who told you to launch? What told you to launch? How did they tell you to launch? Where did they tell you will be your destination when you launch? It’s all information-driven.
Through knowledge, we are able to decide what is beneficial to us and what is harmful to us and we are able to make rational decisions about the world around us. What peace we often forfeit when we ignore knowledge/information.
If it’s worth holding on to after knowing, please do. If not, just walk away. The choice is always yours. But if you remain there, suffering, despite the information you have received, your emotions have outsmarted you.
Ignorance is not always bliss.