Thoughts adapted from the book in my head.
PS: Pardon any grammatical error you behold. This isn’t an edited work. Also, they’re just points. Not detailed. Points shared here MIGHT help someone. Is this a generic remedy? Maybe it is. I only know I’ve shared what you’re about to read privately with some other people and the result was the same. Again, this is not well thought out. “It’s as it comes…” Let’s get to it👇
I’ve decided I’ll talk more about this via a podcast. When it’s ready, you’ll know. But let me share simple nuggets I believe contain infallible facts about lust and habitual sin and a guide to winning.
CAVEAT: This is for really frustrated and tired people. For those who want to do 'God' but are finding it hard to pass this hurdle. If you’re not tired of the ‘spiritual rollercoaster’, stop reading now.
These nuggets might sound 'Christian.' The REAL Christian, I mean. Not the counterfeits around. And yes it is.
I've been exploring this subject for more than half a decade, looking for other available means to victory from lust/habitual sin. I'm yet to find a circular means to it. I don't think there is because it's not a deficiency of strong will. Not even the finest of psychologists can hand you a guide. Works that have been done are largely descriptive. They only tell how your brain gets attached to lust and all. No clear cut solution to break free.
It is a dilemma engendered by a lack of an operating system. You're habitually obsessed with whatever because your operating system is too weak/never sufficient to fight it. Will isn't going to entirely work here. Habitually sin has the capacity to pseudo-die and resurrect. They can go for 2 months [making you think you won] and return the next month [making you make up for all the days they left].
To make it clearer, it's a continuous war of enforcing your victory. And all that is needed is to topple the current govt of lust/habitual sin in your heart. After that, the rest is to keep the territory conquered.
Shall we begin…
- Starting point!
What a terrible thought! We have died to sin once and for all, as a dead man passes away from this life. So how could we live under sin’s rule a moment longer?. Sin is a dethroned monarch; so you must no longer give it an opportunity to rule over your life, controlling how you live and compelling you to obey its desires and cravings.
Romans 6:2, 12
☝You must first internalise scriptures related to the above…that talks about your victory over the nature of sin and its products. The scriptures that brought light to A might not do the same to B. So, the passage that’ll be your turning point might be different. But they all produce the same effect.
The only stage that comes before this is to change your operating system. The software above [and other related scriptures] cannot work on another operating system other than that of 'salvation.' Internalise. Believe it is true. You can't psyche your way into this. You need the operating system [salvation] installed first, it'll help you soak in the truth☝.
2. Authority vs Access
Now that you know it’s a defeated foe and that you have authority over it...keep it that way. However, they [habitual sin and the likes] still have ACCESS to you but not AUTHORITY.
What this means is that you're now a master of them. You're no longer under their control. But they still have access to you and you have access to them.
How do I know? You’ll still be hearing the voice of their govt suggest to you to return to the old habits. You’ll still hear their voice asking you to return. Know that it’s not a voice of the order, it’s just a mere suggestion [that you’re not supposed to take].
The difference between NOW and BEFORE is: they can order you around before, against your own will (Romans 7:15-17) but they can't do that again. Now, it's only suggestion they can give. If you take it, you'll be ensnared again until you opt out of their subscription.
An in and out case of this scenario is what I refer to as a rollercoaster. If you plot your spiritual graph, it'll look like Nigeria's economic growth — up and down — and it's supposed to be like naira-dollar exchange — consistently high. Lol
So, don't be confused if you still get the feeling to do or suggestion. While many will argue — with common sense — that you don't have to suppress your feelings..or that "this is pure biology. Just follow the tide" I'm a scientist too with a liberal mind to a large extent. It's why I recommended this for tired people. Not for those still contesting this truth.
Those wanting to stop living an estranged life but it's without reach. Not for those still gripping a sentiment about killing what's about to kill them. This is for those whose destiny is hinged on living for God. Tired and weary of rising and falling. If you're not one, you can stop here too.
3. Kings don't just sit on the throne. They have spies and loyalists scattered throughout the kingdom, ensuring their govt isn't topped. The same is this case. Your enemies [habitual sin or lust, whatever it is] will constantly try you out. I've learned, by experience, that prayer will help renew your authority in this regard. You must not slack in making prayers. It'll help to build your authority, even to the summit, such that, at some point, you'll find it hard and detestable to even entertain the suggestion. Let alone DO it.
Know your expiring time [story for another day]. I, for one, can be easily ensnared if I don't make conscious prayers/study the word for 2-3 days at a stretch. I'll talk about this maybe in the podcast. But it's good to know. It keeps you and your authority in check.
So, as you spend time praying, your authority over habitual sin is increased and lustful desires [in suggestive or controlling manner] will soon vanish.
DISCLAIMER: You have a part to play. The operating system provides the power, you do the execution. So, it’s not a responsibility-free life. You’ll play your part too. In fact, much is dependent on you. But you have the authority. There is nowhere in the scripture where the fight against habitual sin is entirely left in the hands of God. It’s actually in your hands not in God’s.
but I train like a champion athlete. I subdue my body and get it under my control, so that after preaching the good news to others I myself won’t be disqualified.
1 Corinthians 9:27
Yes, each of YOU must guard your body with holiness and dignity. 1 Thessalonians 4:4
It's about YOU. You must be a man, take the weapons available and fight what's fighting you.
Habitual sin is rampant even in the rarest and 'holiest' of places. I don't want to suggest a list. But know that YOU have a part to play. This life isn't a zombie kind of life. It's Zoe. If Jesus went to the cross with his two eyes and legs voluntarily, you'll voluntarily live for him too. Not by mistake.
4. Know what triggers the desire to indulge and run away from it.
Over the years, I've learned this the hard way. I've had to block and unfriend people across social media platforms. I'm not fighting them, I'm just not interested in their content. They remind me of the old times and attempt to drag me back. Do you see why I said you have a part to play? God will not come down to unfriend and block these people, you'll do it yourself. It's not God that takes you to websites where you look wetin no concern you or to Instagram to look at naked ladies. He's not the one that prepares the bed you sleep with men around on. Na you deh do all these things. And you must consciously flee from them if you desire total freedom.
So, know what triggers these things and stay away from them. E go hard but try. Start from reducing, then to total withdrawal.
Most of these desires work like pregnancy. If you incubate the idea enough in your mind, it'll happen. There is a gestation and delivery period. Action is the baby.
The eyes, skin and ears are gateways to your mind. If you let anything enter the incubator [mind] it'll happen. From the pictures, audio, videos and other stuff that can seep into your mind, you must check them. No be joke o. It's how habitual sin can lay hold of you again. They only need a point of entry. Once you provide it, they're back with full force. Like civilian to military regime. Guard your heart sha.
So, a lot depends on you. A whole lot. Story yii tii fe ma poju. Stay with the WORD too. Let’s pause here. I hope you’ll buy my book if I decide to exhaustively write about this one day. Thank you for reading through.
Get the operating system. Know you're free. Know that habitual sin/lust still have access to you but not authority. Engage in prayer& the word. Recognise triggers, circumstances and avoid them. Keep topping the authority with prayer&the word. It'll soon vanish. If you fall, pick yourself up again. No condemnation. This test must be passed...there's glory on the other side. And it's for a greater purpose.
On a final note, laying on of hands doesn’t work here. You can’t receive an impartation for the desires of habitual sin to quench. It’s not a "gift of the spirit". It’s a " fruit of the spirit" deficiency and you must cultivate it yourself. The process cannot be evaded. You must pass through it. And it must pass through you. Again, much lies on YOU. In this matter, much is left to YOUR DOING with total RELIANCE on the resources GOD has made available. YOU alone will fail, as you’ve always seen.