One of those things about AFRICA
Many Africans are mentally lazy — I'm an African too; before you bite me. This mental laziness is been aided by our 'cargo cult' approach to things.
We never want to do anything by ourselves. Especially our youthful population who we expect to hand things over to tomorrow.
I once worked on a document for someone. She returned it because she wanted me to include her middle name. Gosh🤦🏾♂️. Issi your middle name you cannot type into an ms-word document from your end? It was not even as if she told me she wanted it on the document in the course of the job
If not that 'customer is always right', I know wetin I to do her.😁
Many of us can actually sit to learn what we're paying people to do for us. But, No. That African thing must manifest. I don't know if it makes them bossy, like, "See that guy? I paid him to do the job", " He is working for me" or whatever. Hian🙄
Africans need to cultivate the DIY mentality. If not, we'll be the laughing stock of the whole planet. Are we not gaan sef? Hian🙄
Africans hate to DIY because it engenders the act they find most stressful — thinking. And we cannot make significant progress unless we think. That's why we have no system that lasts or brands that transcends generations.
Thinking sharpens the mind, opens the eye, and makes us see possibilities where none previously existed.
But my African folks prefer to pay someone or beg for what they can do by themselves. Why? To escape that process called THINKING or evade the physical(mental) resistance that accompanies the task.
And it's a cultural something that. That's why our Dads in the living room on the ground will call us, the children, on the 'third heavens' to come to help him pick the TV remote that's in front of him. And women drivers who don't know how to open the car bonnet (Yeh! Who stoned me?). They can only kick, start, and drive alone. Hian🙄. That's why my own country, the giant(gaunt) of Africa will keep taking COVID-19 scores, while they wait for those 'in the abroad' to find a cure.
Why can't you find your cure? Oh, I forgot. We've looted all the funds meant for research and have desecrated the altar that bestows premium on education and development. Let's leave this story for another day sef.
Really, Africans must cultivate the DIY mentality. We can't always be at the mercy of someone, something, International organizations, or nations on something we can do by ourselves. BTW, we should channel the DIY energy into our individual lives. Let's start thinking.
Great nations developed themselves. They didn't borrow people from elsewhere. It started from the inside. As a point of fact, no advanced nation is been(was) built by foreigners. It's the people inside — victims of the tragedies, corruption, and rot — that rise up to build their thing. Do. It. Yourself.
And THEY THAT ARE AMONG YOU shall build the old waste places: you(I) shall raise up the foundations of many generations; and you(I) shall be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in. Isaiah 58:12
In another man's matter, na small person fit talk.