I met different categories of people while I was in school. Some students are aggressively gunning for As, some are satisfied with B or C. Some are less concerned with A, B, or C; they just want to be above the carry-over zone. Even if it's to escape the carry-over zone by one mark, they're fine and full of celebrations.
In case you haven't heard, two things are required to succeed in life: your skillset and your mindset. They're two long roads we don't have time to tow this morning. But, let's stick to the business of the day: the defensive mentality.
You must have met people who are satisfied with little. They're okay with just something to thrive on. Something to basically survive on. Many will even say, "I don't want abundance. I just need what's enough for me and my family. Nothing more." The thing about these kinds of people is that they actually want more, but they're too scared to reach out for more. I've seen many give crazy excuses like, "who knows if the world will end tomorrow? Let me just get the little I need. I have nothing much to lose." They're just being defensive.
Most times stingy people are like this. They don't sow what they have (seed) until another comes in. Unfortunately, when another (seed) gets to their hand, the planting season is already gone. That's how they live in penury without multiplication. Sowers doesn't consider the wind before sowing. Now, that's being offensive.
Psychologists call it 'Passive aggressiveness': it's when you desperately want something but you're giving yourself a thousand and one reasons not to want it. You like the babe, but because you're too scared/shy to woo her; you just conjure an excuse for yourself for not wanting her. But deep down, you wish you could be with her.
When we live defensively, we'll only achieve little. People with a defensive mentality never rise above average. This is a problem in Africa. Our leaders are too defensive. They want to hold on to power and resources to control the majority. Guess what? Defensive people are always skeptical and insecure; regardless of their education, substance, or wealth.
When you choose to be offensive, the surroundings of your life will change. If you don't like the trajectory of your life, choose to be offensive. John Manson once said that "You'll find that when all your reasons are defensive, your cause almost never succeeds." This is true. Defensive people are weighed down by challenges. They don't expect to meet any. They thought it'll all be a walk in the park but then, it's not.
It is only on the offensive side that there are bright opportunities. Take the initiative. Never help your problems improve by taking a defensive position. Even a lion will have a rethink at any of its prey that attempts to fight it.
Your Brother
Olamide Francis