About Writing, Speaking, and Reading

The tripod of any kind of communication is writing, speaking, and reading. I call them the three musketeers of communication. You should read this piece to the end.
Reading is the cool guy among the musketeers. All he does is soak in other people’s knowledge. It’s not that he’s completely lazy but he doesn’t do much work compared to the other guys.
Perhaps the only major work he involves himself in is in trying to make sense of other people’s ideas and interpret it to his benefit. But reading is a cool guy.
Everyone should befriend him. I wrote in-depth about how you can properly befriend him HERE.

Speaking is the lousy guy in the group. Obviously. If you meet people who have mastered being friends with him, give them kudos. It’s not an easy feat especially if you have to spontaneously speak.
Why I consider speaking a serious task is because it begins from the brain. You have to first coordinate what you want to say on your head before it gets to your mouth.
If you transcribe what you vocalise on paper, it’ll likely not make sense as much as you want it to be. It will never be like what you thoughtfully sat down to write. And this brings us to the strongest [in my opinion] of the Musketeers…..
Writing is the strongest of the three guys. If you invite him to the writing party, he will not easily honour your invitation. You might even spend hours pacing back and within your room because you’re looking for the right sentence to commence your article. Yes, he’s as difficult as that. He’s not an easy guy to find unless you’ve mastered the art of summoning him.

Unfortunately, everyone must find a way to befriend him. If you won’t with all your heart, make him your side guy/chic. But never let go of him completely.
There is nothing as “I’m not good at writing” or “I can’t write” in today’s world. To simply put, there is no excuse for not able to write well. At least be able to write for yourself if you can’t write for others. Is this too much to ask? NO, my dear.
While there are professional writers, skillful at the art, however, everyone and anyone literate enough must be able to put their thoughts to paper in a clear and understandable manner, void of blunder and grammatical ‘knockouts’.
No employer will employ anyone that cannot write well. The ‘roles and responsibilities’ section of many vacancies now has “candidate must have excellent writing ability” or “good editing and writing skills”. Some employers even conduct a writing test for their prospective employee to ascertain their ability. Don’t sleep on it.
The truth is that these things are not so difficult as you think it is. English is like mathematics. It has formulas too. Once you know your formulas, you can never be guilty of blunders.
In lieu of this, I have received up to twelve responses from my mailing list as to when we are going to have the next WRITING MASTERCLASS.
I’m happy to announce that I’ll be making time this month to answer this call.
If you want to be a part of this class, you should JOIN THE CLASS NOW without delay. The link to register is below.
There are a lot of benefits you'll get from the class. You can read them here.
Peruse the flyer below for more details.
Talk to you soon.